Closet organization and other steps can streamline your home and make it look less cluttered, giving it a welcoming and open feel.

How Can I Make My House Look Less Cluttered?
Florida Custom Closets
How Can I Make My House Look Less Cluttered?
Clutter is a problem that can make your home feel less inviting and even cause emotional trouble. For example, according to Onedesk, 12% of Americans said they worry about their home's cluttered look whenever they have guests. Thankfully, closet organization and other steps can streamline your home and make it look less cluttered, giving it a welcoming and open feel.
Manage Your Cords
If you have any visible cords hanging around your rooms, try to take care of them by tying them together (when possible) and placing them under cord covers. These covers can match your wall or floor color and minimize a cluttered look. If you can't find any, try to put your cords behind the television or counters or even unplug items you barely use to minimize clutter issues.
Handle an Over-Decorated Layout
We know that you probably love how well-decorated your home is right now, with all sorts of cool knick-knacks and other items. However, these cool decorations can quickly get out of control and make your house feel cluttered. Try to at least store half of these items most of the time and cycle them in and out with the other half.
Improve Your Closets
If you aren’t an eager organizer, your closet organization is probably akin to just throwing items in your closet without a care. Try taking everything out of your closets and installing drawers, storage bins, and other organizational tools. This helps make your storage more efficient, meaning you can take other items (like shoes and other boxes) and get them put away properly.
Go on a Donation Spree
Warn your family before you go through the house and identify things you can safely donate or sell. Are there old toys that the kids don't care about anymore, books you've finished reading that you'll never touch again, CDs and DVDs you never use, or anything else that just gets in the way? Collect it up and either store, sell, or donate it. You'll be glad that you did.
These easy steps can help with your closet organization, eliminate unnecessary items in your home, and get that clutter out for good. Our crew of experts will let you know what steps make the most sense for you and will work directly with you to streamline this process and ensure that you get the support needed to keep your home clean.
Posted 12/20/23